Find your motivation.
Get active to win and earn real rewards.
Get Motivated!
Run Stuff ® is a social enterprise app that delivers customer experience and social impact in a fun new real-life game. Just go places and spin to win for charities, gift cards, and more!
An all in one platform


Download Run Stuff ®
as a player to earn rewards
for being active and going
places. Win charity rewards,
gift cards, and more!
Create a merchant account
online. Run for Stuff is an all
in one marketing platform
designed to make advertising
simple and fun. Only $0.20 per


Create an E-merchant account
online. Target your created
offers by country, city, or
closer. Only $0.20 per offer
collected by potential
Partner as a business so
customers can win charity
rewards to benefit your
local community. Are you
a charity? We would love
to help support funding.
An all in one platform

Download Run Stuff ® as a player to earn rewards for being active and going places. Win charity rewards, gift cards, and more!

Create a merchant account online. Run for Stuff is an all in one marketing platform designed to make advertising simple and fun. Only $0.20 per spin.

Create an E-merchant account online. Target your created offers by country, city, or closer. Only $0.20 per offer collected by potential customer.

Partner as a business so customers can win charity rewards to benefit your local community. Are you a charity? We would love to help support funding.
Run for Chests!
Win keys to open special chests.
at sponsored locations.
The more keys, the bigger the prize!

Try as a business owner!
Sign up and create a
give-away worth $50 or more
Take a Tour

Download the app now!